Super Pre by Bergantino is the ultimate toolbox for bass players. The company claims that the “Big 8×10 bass cabs are the past.” Though it would take a brave soul to show up to a gig with only a bass guitar and a pedal, digital interfaces and effects are now a common element of 4-string existence.

Virtual instruments abound in most recording studios, demonstrating modern technology’s ability to imitate a wide range of real-world bass guitar sounds.
“Bass players want smaller, more compact bass gear that they can take on the road without sacrificing tone,” says Holly Bergantino of Bergantino Audio Systems. “Our new Super Pre meets that requirement. Huge 8×10 cabinets are no longer available!”
The ‘ultimate toolkit for bass players,’ as the name suggests, Bergantino’s latest release promises serial or parallel VRC compression as well as a variety of distortions, overdrives, and fuzzes. There’s also plenty of room to improve your clean tone owing to a simple 4-band EQ.

“Some musicians would rather use a simple 3-band EQ interface to acquire their chosen sound than spend time dialing in a sophisticated EQ interface,” Holly explains. “Others demand complete control over their frequency, and the Super Pre allows users to customize their EQ as much or as little as they wish.”
Once you’ve discovered a tone you like, you can preserve your settings by using the memory function. There are three memory footswitches, each with eight independent banks, for 24 saveable scenarios. Besides that, the Super Pre will function as a headphone amplifier, chromatic tuner, and studio-quality DI box.

“The Super Pre by Bergantino easily fits in your gig bag, backpack, and carry-on,” Holly says. “This single unit will do it all instead of lugging about a bunch of EQs, compressors, overdrives, distortions, and fuzzes.”
Main Specs
- The casing is lightweight and robust.
- OLED display that is ultra-crisp and easy to read
- Two studio-quality DIs – one pre and one post, with latency compensation
- Revolutionary 4-Band Multifunction EQ with customizable frequency range and “Q”
- DSB Embedded System Controlled Bass Bergantino Speaker-File
- EQ System Selectable Pre-Amp Software Impedance of Input
- The user can select a serial or parallel VRC compressor.
- Scene Gain (-6dB to +6dB programmable – scene saveable)
- Filters that can be programmed include a bright switch, a variable high-pass filter, a variable low-pass filter, and a variable feedback filter.