Ashdown Engineering bass amps are a common sight in the backlines of some of the world’s largest bands. With a global reputation for offering robust, bottom-end with only the characteristics required by the busy, working bass player.

Ashdown continues to innovate with the new LB-30 2.N, a 30-Watt, all-tube head with conventional speaker or direct line-in outputs. It also has onboard built-in emulators of six famous Ashdown cabinets.
The amplifier uses 1 x ECC81, 1 x ECC82, and 2XECC83 preamp tubes, and is housed in a sleek, retro all-metal sleeve with Ashdown’s signature LED VU meter. With Active and Passive bass inputs, Gain Trim, Volume, and Output Level settings, musicians can dial in a wide spectrum of tones. Treble, Hi Mid, Lo Mid, and Bass rotary controls shape the tone, and FX loop Send and Returns are also available on the front panel.

The Torpedo Technology brings this vintage-inspired bass amp up to date. The n-board Impulse Response emulations of six vintage Ashdown Engineering cabinets and microphone configurations include: ABM-810H-EVO IV, ABM-410H-EVO IV, ABM-210H-EVO IV, ABM-115-EVO IV, RM-212-EVO II, and CL-310 DH.
The mic’d cabinet emulations can be delivered directly to the PA, while the cabinet on stage serves as a monitor. The LB-30 2.N can also be utilized in the studio without a cabinet, with the speaker emulation output linked directly to the recording console.
A rotary control on the front panel selects cabinet emulations, and MIDI and USB interfaces on the back allow for program changes and more advanced editing of mic positioning, etc.
“At Ashdown, tone always comes first,” says managing Director Dan Gooday, “but we’re also all about providing bass players with the tools they need in various applications.” The new LB-30 2.N effectively delivers a real, vintage-style tube amp with a selection of cabinets and microphones on stage or in the studio, all in a package you can carry in one hand.”
Visit for more information on the Ashdown Engineering LB-30 2.N all-tube bass amp with on-board cabinet emulations.